Homemade Burgers

Homemade Burgers

These Homemade Burgers are tender, juicy and so easy to make with just a few basic ingredients and results are perfection!

Homemade Burgers

  • 2 lb ground beef
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  1. In a large bowl, combine the ground beef, onion, salt, and pepper.
  2. Form the beef into 6 fairly thin patties. (About 5 inches in diameter) They will shrink and thicken as they cook.
  3. Grill each patty on medium-high heat, about 4 minutes per side.
  4. When the burgers are cooked through to the correct temperature, remove them from the grill right away and let them rest for 5 minutes before serving. Resting helps create a juicy interior and it also helps the burgers stay together.
  5. Serve as desired with buns, garnishes, sauces enjoy.