WELCOME TO OUR FAMILY FOOD BLOG! MARAL IN THE KITCHEN. HI, I’M MARAL TYSON, HERE YOU’LL FIND DELICIOUS, TRUSTED DISHES WITH EASY STEP-BY-STEP RECIPES. I come from a family of fantastic cooks and I’m here to share generations of Armenian-American recipes that are homey, fresh, healthy, family-friendly, sometimes bizarre and occasionally naughty. We also have unique and decadent desserts from Europe and around the world.

I love to make food for my family and share it with the internet, because that’s totally normal. I post family-friendly recipes that your kids will eat, that won’t break the bank, and yet will still get people hunting you down at the church potluck.

Sometimes I forget important things, like adding the dry ingredients to my cookies, so that they bake into a puddle of soup. Please tell me this happens to you sometimes? I will cry into a glass of milk and an entire package of Oreos if I find out I’m the only one who has epic kitchen failures occasionally.

Cooking and baking is a learned skill, no one is born with it. If sometimes you accidentally add cayenne pepper instead of cinnamon to your Apple pie  I won’t judge you. In fact, come on over. I’ll bring the Oreos, you bring the milk.

You may be wondering

Who isJohn

Truman is my 4-year-old son. When he was about 8 months old, he fell over in the bath; you know, the I-just-learned-to-sit-up-and-have-no-idea-how-to-break-my-fall-fall. He came up, soapy eyes watering, sputtering…and laughing. LAUGHING. That pretty much sums up Truman

My background:

We’re so thankful to be full time foodies. We’re living our dream because of you and I can’t thank you enough!  I feel like God has worked all of my experiences together like a puzzle to bring me to this point. It took me a little bit to discover what God had in mind for me. I thank God for everything, without Whom I would be merely human (and that would suck).